An active-passive Essbase cluster can contain two Essbase servers. To install additional Essbase servers, you must install an additional instance of Essbase. The application must be on a shared drive, and the cluster name must be unique within the deployment environment.
These types of shared drives are supported:
Note: Any networked file system that can communicate with a NAS storage device is supported, but the cluster nodes must be able to access the same shared disk over that file system.
SAN or a fast NAS device is recommended because of shorter I/O latency and failover times. You can set up active-passive Essbase clusters with EPM System Configurator. You can specify the Essbase cluster information for each Essbase instance. Define the cluster when you configure the first instance of Essbase. When you configure the second instance, you associate the instance with the cluster.
Note: For a given physical Essbase server that Administration Services is administering, Administration Services displays only the name of the cluster to which that Essbase server belongs.
Use different instance names when configuring the Essbase nodes. For example, on the Active Node, use the instance name epminstance2, and on the Passive Node, use the instance name epminstance3. After the configuration is complete, modify the opmn.xml files on both the active and the passive nodes.
If you set up an active-passive Essbase cluster using EPM System Configurator, you must perform additional steps to set up Essbase failover on both cluster nodes. To complete the setup of the Essbase active-passive cluster:
<notification-server interface="any">
<ipaddr remote="hostName" />
<port local="portNumber" remote="portNumber" />
<ssl enabled="true" wallet-file="\Oracle\Middleware\user_projectsepmsystem6\config\OPMN\opmn\wallet>
<nodes list="nodeName1:nodeRemotePort1,nodeName2:nodeRemotePort2"/>
To enable SSL, you must also recreate the wallet file on both nodes of the cluster. The wallet file parameters must be the same on both machines.
To disable SSL communication, change the SSL enabled parameter to False. For example:
<notification-server interface="any">
<ipaddr remote="hostName" />
<port local="portNumber" remote="portNumber" />
<ssl enabled="false" wallet-file="\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects
<nodes list="nodeName1:nodeRemotePort1, nodeName2:nodeRemotePort2"/>
where nodePort1 and nodePort2 are the remote ports of OPMN on each machine in the cluster.
<ias-component id="Essbase">
<process-type id="EssbaseAgent" module-id="ESS" service-failover="1" serviceweight="
<ias-component id="Essbase">
<ias-component id="EssbaseClusterName">
<process-set id="AGENT" numprocs="1" restart-on-death="false">
as follows:
<process-set id="AGENT" restart-on-death="true">
Note: The essbase.cfg setting FAILOVERMODE TRUE may need to be set manually.
1.) Started Only Server1(Active) server ESSBASE service, so we cannot access Server2(Passive) server as shown in the below screenshot.
2.) Now we started Server2 server ESSBASE service. If Active (Server1) service is up, ESSBASE.exe service will not start in Passive server. Only opmn.exe process will be running from Passive server as shown below.
Once we stop or due to the network issue, if Essbase.exe process is killed from Server1(Active process) server, Essbase (Essbase.exe process) will automatically start from Passive Server (Server2).
From the below diagram, I am stopping Essbase on the Server1 server. Immediately ESSBASE.exe process started from Server2 Server (Passive Server).
Essbase Cubes location is the same from Server1 and Server2 Servers.
Read another article on How to encrypt Oracle Essbase MaxL Script in 3 Simple Steps.
Read Oracle Documentation on Active-Passive Cluster Configuration.